Hello and Welcome! I’m Marty. This is my music’s story. I was born in Chicago on a snowy morning to Dave and Carol. You can watch more about the event at the accompanying video link .

In addition to his many intellectual and rocket-related accomplishments, my Grandfather has an Honorary Doctorate in Physics from the London School of Applied Mathematics. Following in his footsteps, please observe my Certificate of Achievement from Jump Rope School at Rhodes Gym Class.

I am an artist from the United States, born in Chicago at Michael Reese Hospital. It’s gone now. I currently live and work in the Ozarks. See BEER to know a little more about that. There’s other sections too. I hope you dig, whatever brought you here. This will change often.

When I was young, I was taught piano. Musically, my mother is a gifted classically trained pianist, though my piano training was under “Grandmother” Helen as she was known to me. Harsh, but respectful. My father was a jazz drummer. They were both many things, and my mother still is, but for a spell my father was quite a talented drummer. His uncle, my Great Uncle, George Wettling, was one of the greatest jazz drummers of all time. A staple of the Chicago scene, Uncle George was a lifelong friend and collaborator with Louis Armstrong. His career spanned the pinnacle of American Jazz, to Music Director for ABC TV in Manhattan, Jazz writer for Playboy, to art galleries across the globe where he was recognized as a contemporary of many abstract painters. He traded drum lessons for painting lessons with Pollack and Stuart Davis, in fact Davis was one of his best friends, they were neighbors in on 52nd in NYC. We could spend a few thousand terabytes talking about Uncle George, including the fact that he is DEAD CENTER in the most famous jazz photograph in history, A Great Day in Harlem. But my favorite token of his influence is the 1954 short film Jazz Dance. Regarded as the first “jazz documentary,” Jazz Dance captures a single night at a hot club in Manhattan. It’s Pee Wee Russel, Jimmy McPartland, Willie the Lion Smith… and a whole room of people losing their shit to jazz. Watch it HERE there’s nothing like it.

I left playing music aside for many years until I was around 16 and had fallen in love with the sound of an acoustic guitar. My buddy Grant’s dad lent me a warped old acoustic that let me play at least a C & G. I spent that summer as a laborer for a brick laying crew, and every night after work, worn to the bone and with a few beers in me I’d sit on our porch and play the guitar.

In college, I met Chris who sold me his sister’s old Yamaha guitar. It took me a year, but I got him that hundred bucks. I still play it. Chris is no doubt a prodigy and when it comes to guitar I have met very few players like him. I got better by being in the same jams with him and other friends. It was frustrating at first, knowing only a few chords and playing with people who practiced Bach with their eyes closed.

Zak was in the picture almost immediately. True Blue, we’ve created a volume of work together that would make me proud if I never put pen to paper again. Buy our children’s book HERE. I illustrated it, what a gas. Zak has produced several novels, poems, songs, short stories and scripts. A while back we made JPRG Radio. I’m the announcer guy. Zak incorporated myself, his father and Ian. Zak and Ian go back to grade school and I ended up in their orbit around 1998. You know Ian from SEAPONY.

Soon, we were some form of roommates, writing partners, friends, classmates etc… and we formed The Eebus Brothers. I’ll dig up those tapes some day. Whether or not they see the light of screen… tbd. Zeebus, Ceebus and myself, Meebus met again last fall at Zeebus’ mountain ridge chalet in North America’s Colorado. We spent three days recording, cooking, meandering, listening etc. Stay tuned for some tracks from that session in 2023.

After college, I moved back to Chicago where I began to put some pieces together. I was fortunate enough to rent a (now destroyed) coach house near the Belmont Red Line. Upstairs I had a small studio. Buying my drums off craigslist in that apartment above El Cid, I met Doug, who would eventually play bass with me for several years in my rock band Runners Talk Running.

Around Jan 2005 I began working at The Second City Theater. It had been a dream of mine to perform there since I was 17 or so. I worked on the night staff as a server in the mainstages and in that time met some of the most prolific, kind, intelligent and driven people possible. I’m lucky to have made so many friends there. Ryan Miera was one of my first friends, and we’ve collaborated for 15 years on a dozen records, bands, songs and shows… check out Yellow Pills on Spotify. One of my favorite recordings over the last year or so is this little number I played a dreamy electric slide on for him.

With Tilliski and Steve and for a moment Joey, we are Astronauts in Space. The Astronauts have been unwillingly flung into space, returned, sent to the core and back into space. It’s a luxury life for them for sure, based in their Luxury Spa Lab Compound in Middle Coastal California. Dig the tunes though.

Around 2007, I recorded some of my first songs by myself on a 4 track I’d bought at a thrift store. No Noodles was my second album… I’m struggling to remember the name of the first one. I have them on tape somewhere, and will transfer them someday soon. They’re probably very bad, but maybe fun? I graduated to a bigger 8 track and then eventually borrowed an old Mac from J Fab where I was able to really get lost.

Between 2007 and 2022 I've recorded somewhere around 25 more rock albums front to back. I’ve had the opportunity to score films, commercials and live shows. After a year or so of live-streaming during 2020 and 2021, I honed songs, wrote new ones, polished old ones etc. With the not so gentle nudging of a few friends irl and not irl, I got my shit together and built this little web pamphlet. I put 25 or so songs into a playlist. I drove the LandCruiser around the forest and up the hills listening to it. I sat in hotels, on planes, at the DMV, a walk to work, the beach in San Diego and in a large crowd… found the order I wanted, mastered them, then put it together. Many more to come, soon too. Here we are. Thank you.


‘s thread through my time